Andrew Zawacki and Michelle Naka Pierce, Thursday, March 21, 2013











On Thursday, March 21 at 7:00 p.m. Andrew Zawacki and Michelle Naka Pierce read at Counterpath.

Andrew Zawacki is the author of the poetry books Videotape (Counterpath, 2013), Petals of Zero Petals of One (Talisman House), Anabranch (Wesleyan), and By Reason of Breakings (Georgia). Editor and co-translator from the Slovenian of Aleš Debeljak’s Without Anesthesia: New and Selected Poems (Persea), his translation from the French of Sébastien Smirou, My Lorenzo, is recently out from Burning Deck. Co-editor of VERSE, he teaches at the University of Georgia.

Born in Japan, Michelle Naka Pierce is the author of Continuous Frieze Bordering Red (2012), awarded Fordham University’s Poets Out Loud Editor’s Prize; She, A Blueprint (2011); Beloved Integer (2007); and TRI/VIA (2003). Pierce is associate professor and director of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University.