Black Sun Lit feature, with Ceremonial Abyss, Jennifer Soong, Losarc Raal, Piano Rain, Eric Baus & Whit Griffin, Saturday, August 12, 2023, 7pm

Please join Black Sun Lit for an exhibition of poetry, sound, and intermedia collaboration, featuring Ceremonial Abyss, Jennifer Soong, Losarc Raal, Piano Rain, Eric Baus & Whit Griffin.
Saturday, August 12, 2023
7935 E 14th Ave, Denver, CO 80220
7 PM
$10 suggested donation
Books and merch will be available for sale. All welcome.
CEREMONIAL ABYSS is the moniker of Brian Amsterdam, a sound designer and writer based in Portland, OR. Following 2022’s Death and Imagination and Tape Study for Four Variants, his latest release, 23, documents an artist at work in the unending search for something else, through the development and collage of in-house source material.
JENNIFER SOONG’s most recent works of poetry include Comeback Death (forthcoming with Krupskaya), Hand Hiding Hand (forthcoming with Face Press), Suede Mantis / Soft Rage (Black Sun Lit, 2022), and Near, At (Futurepoem, 2019). Originally from NJ, she is an incoming Assistant Professor of English at the University of Denver.
LOSARC RAAL is a writer and editor originally from Varna, Bulgaria. He was tyrant over the controversial poetry and arts journal NOMATERIALISM (2020–2022). He is the author of the chapbooks [SELF-SELECTIONS] (Trainwreck Press, 2021), The Poetry of Carlux Carluxlax (Reverse Catfish, 2022), and The Adverse Keys (Spiral Editions, 2022). A pamphlet, Dead or Alive (The Creative Writing Department), was also published in 2022. His first full-length book, No Material, was published by Black Sun Lit in 2023. A poetry collection, Have You Dreamed This Goat, is forthcoming from NEW Books. He has lived in Brooklyn, Greece, Argentina, and Saudi Arabia, and he currently resides with his wife and sons in Los Angeles, CA. Hit him at or Instagram @nomaterial_ism.
Alexandrea Archuleta, alias PIANO RAIN, weaves together futuristic relaxing sounds inspired by patterns in nature, subliminal perception, and sound healing. Her electronic lullabies, techno reflections, and house-inspired waterscapes serve a holistic approach to electronics. Using samples and forgotten 90s electronics, her sounds echo the nostalgia of the past, playing with time, emotion, and memory access.
ERIC BAUS is the author of five books of poetry: How I Became a Hum (Octopus Books, 2020), The Tranquilized Tongue (City Lights, 2014), Scared Text, winner of the Colorado Prize for Poetry (Center for Literary Publishing, 2011), Tuned Droves (Octopus Books, 2009), and The To Sound, winner of the Verse Prize (Wave Books, 2004). He is also the author of several chapbooks, most recently Euphorbia (above/ground press, 2019). His poems have been translated into Spanish, Italian, and Finnish. He is a graduate of the PhD program in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Denver as well as the MFA program for poets and writers at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He teaches literature and creative writing at Regis University’s Mile High MFA program in Denver.
WHIT GRIFFIN is a poet-medium and semi-professional hermit dwelling in Colorado. He is the author of such nonlinear metaphysical epics as Uncanny Resonance, Book Two (Lunar Chandelier Collective, 2020) and We Who Saw Everything (The Cultural Society, 2015). With visual artist Timothy C. Ely, he collaborated on the book Interior Voice / The Great Practice (Granary Books, 2020). Along with Eric Baus, he is a resident wizard at Common Name Farm, through which he freely gives away visionary elixirs.