[BOND, JAMES] Michelle Disler
Purchase print copies here, or write to counterpath@gmail.com.
Invokes a narrative and intimate distance through the imbalance of power between men & detectives and women & wives, leaving a risky proposition like an alphabet or the simple complexity of memoir and writing about memory. A sobering examination of the ultimate spy-styled popular thriller, a nuanced deconstruction of model masculinity in mass culture.
from Catherine Taylor: … catalogues and decodes the spy’s avalanche of allure. And in between the cigarettes and the sex, there’s something else: the thrill of watching her watching, the sensuality of her language and its lightest of touches, the satisfaction of every lurid, tight and shiny detail of Bond’s domain turned into an algebra of desire and fixation. Disler’s book is true to her man: in bed with violence and exploitation, smoking with charisma and charm.
Michelle Disler’s [BOND, JAMES] reviewed in New Pages
John Latta on Michelle Disler’s [BOND, JAMES]
Michelle Disler interviewed in MI6: THE HOME OF JAMES BOND 007
“Her passion is Bond”: Michelle Disler on [BOND, JAMES] in today’s COLUMBUS DISPATCH
[BOND, JAMES]: Alphabet, Anatomy, [Auto]Biography
Michelle Disler
$20.00; 120 pgs.
ISBN 978-1933996-25-7
Purchase print copies here, or write to counterpath@gmail.com.