Danniel Schoonebeek, Khadijah Queen, Mathias Svalina, December 5, 2013
On Thursday, December 5, at 7 p.m. Danniel Schoonebeek, Khadijah Queen, and Mathias Svalina read at Counterpath.
Danniel Schoonebeek’s first book of poems, American Barricade, will be published in 2014 by YesYes Books. A chapbook, Family Album, is out now from Poor Claudia. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Poetry, Tin House, Boston Review, Fence, Guernica, Denver Quarterly, Gulf Coast, jubilat, BOMB, Verse Daily, Drunken Boat, and elsewhere. He writes a monthly column on poetry for The American Reader, hosts the Hatchet Job reading series in Brooklyn, and edits the PEN Poetry Series.
Khadijah Queen is the author of two books of poetry and two chapbooks, most recently I’m So Fine: A List of Famous Men and What I Had On, to be released from Sibling Rivalry Press at the end of 2013. Her work is so varied that she is considering heteronyms. A third book is very slowly taking shape. Visit her website: khadijahqueen.com.
Mathias Svalina is the author of three books, most recently The Explosions from Subito Press. He is an editor for Octopus Books. Big Lucks Press will release his book Wastoid in the future & his collaboration with photographer Jon Pack, The Depression, will be released by Civil Coping Mechanisms in the later future.