Edmund Berrigan, Jennifer Denrow, & Jessica Fiorini, August 31, 2013

On Saturday, August 31, 2013, at 7 p.m. Edmund Berrigan, Jennifer Denrow, and Jessica Forini read at Counterpath.

Edmund Berrigan (video above) is the author of two books of poetry, Disarming Matter (Owl Press, 1999) and Glad Stone Children (Farfalla, 2008), and a memoir, Can It! (Letter Machine Editions, 2013). He is editor of the Selected Poems of Steve Carey (Sub Press, 2009), and is co-editor with Anselm Berrigan and Alice Notley of The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan (University of California, 2005) and The Selected Poems of Ted Berrigan (University of California, 2010). He is an editor for poetry mags Vlak and Brawling Pigeon, and is on the editorial board of Lungfull!. He lives in Brooklyn.

Jennifer Denrow is the author of California. She is an editor for Horse Less Press and lives in Denver.

Jessica Fiorini is the author of the chapbooks Sea Monster at Night (Goodbye Better, 2007), Light Suite (Pudding House, 2009), and Take It Personal (forthcoming from Lame House). Hew poems have appeared in Lungfull!, The Brooklyn Rail, The Poetry Project Newsletter, and Vlak. She lives in Brooklyn and makes video games.