Edwin Torres, KJ Holmes, Julie Carr: Real Life: An Installation, Book Launch, Saturday, October 27, 2018 7:30pm

Please join us Saturday, October 27, 7:30pm, at Counterpath (7935 East 14th Ave.) for performances by Edwin Torres and KJ Holmes as part of a book launch for Julie Carr’s Real Life: An Installation. There will also be a screening of films created specifically in response to the book, with work by artists listed below. This is a free event, open to the public, with free, catered food and drinks at this event!


From the event poster: This unique event is a mixed-media show that challenges our concept of the art installation and performance. It features installations, live performance, video, physical objects, and audio by forty artists from diverse backgrounds, stages in their careers, and artistic practices. Each artist has responded to a hypothetical installation written by Julie Carr and included in the book.


Julie Carr is the author of 10 books of poetry and prose, including 100 Notes on Violence, RAG, Think Tank, and Objects from a Borrowed Confession. Her mixed-genre work, Real Life: An Installation is due out October of 2018. Carr was a 2011-12 NEA fellow and is an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado in Boulder in the English department and the Intermedia Arts Writing and Performance Ph.D. She regularly collaborates with dance artists K.J. Holmes and Gesel Mason. With Tim Roberts she is the cofounder of Counterpath Press, Counterpath Gallery, and Counterpath Community Garden in Denver.

INSTALLATION, VIDEO, AUDIO Samuel Ace, Abraham Avnisan, Amaranth Borsuk, Serena Chopra, Brent Cox, Michelle Ellsworth, Erin Espelie, Yanara Friedland, Amir George, Gesel Mason, Jeffrey Pethybridge, Benjamin Roberts, Kelly Sears, Joe Steele, Joel Swanson, Phuong Vuong, Luther Price.


K.J. Holmes, Edwin Torres, Julie Carr


Julie Carr.

A very special thank you to The CU Boulder English Department, ATLAS, Phuong Vuong, Joe Steele and Jacob Barreras.

Work included at the Counterpath launch:

Serena Chopra
Yanara Friedland
Phuong Vuong
Amaranth Borsuk
Kelly Sears
Joe Steele
Joel Swanson
Gesel Mason
Michelle Ellsworth
Brent Cox
Erin Espelie
Amir George

Amaranth Borsuk is a poet, scholar and book artist whose most recent volumes are The Book (MIT Press, 2018) and Pomegranate Eater (Kore Press, 2016). She is Associate Director of the MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics at the University of Bothell. www.amaranthborsuk.com

Abraham Avnisan is an artist, technologist and educator whose work is situated at the intersection of image, text, and code. He is an Artist-in-Residence at University of Washington Bothell. abrahamavnisan.com/

Julie Carr is the author of Real Life: An Installation, and nine other books of both poetry and prose. She lives in Denver where she helps to run Counterpath and teaches at CU Boulder. juliecarrpoet.com

Brent Cox is an artist, poet, and PhD student in University at Buffalo’s Poetics Program. monodual.org/

Serena Chopra is a writer, dancer, visual and performance artist. serenachopra.com/

Michelle Ellsworth attempts to make kinesthetic replicas of peculiar geopolitical and personal phenomena.

Erin Espelie recently co-founded NEST (Nature, Environment, Science & Technology) Studio for the Arts.

Amir George, is a filmmaker and curator. Born and bred in Chicago. Amir creates work for the cinema, installation, and live performance.

K.J. Holmes, based in Brooklyn NY, is a dance artist, singer, actor and human being who travels nationally and internationally teaching and performing, and has been collaborating with Julie Carr since last century.

Gesel Mason is Artistic Director of Gesel Mason Performance Projects a project based dance company that seeks to create meaningful, relevant, and compelling art events as a way to encourage compassion and inquiry. geselmason.com/

Jeffrey Pethybridge is the author of Striven, The Bright Treatise.  jeffreypethybridge.net/

Luther Price is an experimental film maker and artist based in Revere, MA.

Benjamin Roberts is a cellist from Denver, Colorado who currently studies with Mark Kosowe at the Cleveland Institute of Music.

Kelly Sears is an experimental animato who combines animated photographic and film documents with speculative storytelling, each of her films contains recognizable political and social narratives that take fictional twists, becoming uncanny or fantastic as history merges with myth. kellysears.com/

Joe Steele is an artist-filmmaker and curator, currently a PhD student in Critical Media Practices at CU Boulder. His work explores the collisions, compositions, and lines of flight that happen in the archive, and brings artistic practice into dialogue with other domains and disciplines.

 Joel Swanson is an artist and writer who explores the relationship between language and technology. joelericswanson.com/

Edwin Torres is the author of eight books of poetry, including, XoeteoX: the infinite word object (Wave Books), Ameriscopia (University of Arizona Press), Yes Thing No Thing (Roof Books) and editor of the anthology Rebody Reword: The Body In Language (Counterpath Press).

Phuong T. Vuong is a writer and MFA candidate at CU Boulder. phuongthaovuong.com/