Epoxy: Jess Stoner, Greg Howard, Caroline Davidson, Richard Froude

February 25, 2012: Epoxy The Third Invites You to hear Jess Stoner, Greg Howard, Caroline Davidson, and Richard Froude. It’ll be a reunion of sorts for some, a union for others, and onions for all. Hosted by Oren Silverman.

Jess Stoner’s novel, I Have Blinded Myself Writing This, is now out from Short Flight/Long Drive Books (a division of Hobart). Her choose-your-own-adventure chapbook of poems, You’re Going to Die Jess Wigent, is forthcoming from Fact-Simile. Jess lives in the sweat and brisket of Austin, where she is the Education Programs Coordinator at Badgerdog Literary Publishing.

Richard Froude lives in Denver where he is a pre-medical student at UCD. He has written two books: FABRIC (Horse Less, 2011) and The Passenger (Skylight, 2012), as well as a volume of translations of Charles Baudelaire: Tarnished Mirrors (Muffled Cry, 2004). He graduated from DU’s PhD program in 2011 and now works with an interdiscplinary research team investigating the benefits of narrative therapies for under-served cancer patients. He also teaches the MFA lecture class at Naropa’s Summer Writing Program.

Caroline Davidson is a graduate student and instructor at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She lives in Denver.

Gregory Howard is an Assistant Professor of English and creative writing at the University of Maine. He has recent work in the new Harp & Altar and has previously published work in Birkensnake, Tarpaulin Sky, elimae, and Hotel St. George, among others places.

[still working on video for Gregory Howard and Caroline Davidson]