Poetry Arcade: An Exhibition of the Work of Jason Nelson, Saturday, February 2, 2013

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Saturday, February 2. “Poetry Arcade: An Exhibition of the Work of Jason Nelson” was an exhibition of digital artist and poet Jason Nelson’s work, which takes the form of video games that allow the player/reader to unlock poetic and theoretical messages. 8 games were on display at Counterpath, using a wall projection, 3 large monitors, desktop and laptop computers.

Born from the computerless land of farmers and spring thunderstorms, Jason Nelson somehow stumbled into creating awkward and wondrous digital poems and interactive stories of odd lives. Currently he professes Net Art and Electronic Literature at Australia’s Griffith University in the Gold Coast’s contradictory shores. Aside from coaxing his students into breaking, playing, and morphing their creativity with all manner of technologies, he exhibits widely in galleries and journals, with work featured around globe in New York, Mexico, Taiwan, Spain, Singapore, and Brazil, at FILE, ACM, LEA, ISEA, ACM, ELO, and dozens of other acronyms. But in the web-based realm where his work resides, Jason is most proud of the millions of visitors his artwork/digital poetry portal http://www.secrettechnology.com attracts each year.