Residency: Genevieve Waller and MG Bernard, September 1 through October 15, 2023, closing event Saturday, October 14, 7:30pm
Genevieve Waller & MG Bernard will be in residence at Counterpath from September 1 through October 15, 2023. The closing performance event is currently scheduled for Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
At the Counterpath Residency, Waller & Bernard will use the space to create installations, stage props, & rehearse for a culminating performance event. Building on their October 2021 performance titled Care Bound/Caring for You, they will explore how (dis)abled & queer bodies care for themselves, perform their identities, & express their sexualities.

Genevieve Waller (she/her) is an artist, writer, historian, & curator. She creates photograms (cameraless photographs), sculpture, drawings, performances, & videos that deal with excess, substitution, transparency, & the status of everyday objects. She researches & writes about the aesthetic of camp, the history of LGBTQ+ culture, film, modern & contemporary art, & popular music. Originally from Wichita, Kansas, she received a B.A. in Art History from Wichita State University, an M.F.A. in Photography and Art History from Ohio University, & an M.A. in Visual and Cultural Studies from the University of Rochester. She spent a year in Berlin, Germany as a Fulbright grantee & for many years has been a college radio DJ. Currently, she resides in Denver, Colorado where she works at the University of Denver & is the founder & editor of the art journal DARIA: Denver Art Review, Inquiry, & Analysis.

Mary Grace Bernard (MG, she/her) is a transmedia & performance artist, educator, advocate, & crip witch. Her practice finds itselaf at the intersection of performance art, transmedia installation art, art scholarship, art writing, curation, & activism. Exploring seemingly separate fields like the material & immaterial realities of (dis)ability, the living dead, queerness, cyborgism, crip time, post-humanness, spirituality, madness, care, dependency, & the boundaries between the personal & political spheres of existence, she seeks to dissolve binary thinking while converging otherwise invisible communities and their stories. In 2017, MG launched the digital contemporary art platform Femme Salée (F&S) which is dedicated to starting, sharing, & making accessible difficult conversations frequently absent from the art world. Since 2020, F&S has published six issues (online & in print) & two art journal issues (online only) focused on specific discourses that exemplify unique perspectives.