Celebration of the sale of the Salvator Mundi, December 1 to 31, 2017
Celebrating the sale of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi ($450 million), Counterpath (7935 East 14th Ave., Denver) will devote the 2017 holiday season to a cumulative, open exhibition of responses to the painting and the recent, record-smashing sale. From December 1 to December 31, using an array of high-speed email and social media technologies, Counterpath will conduct a global search for work to be part of the exhibition, accepting any work created by anyone in response to the Salvator Mundi sale: from drawing classes for kids, poems written in Latin, found film footage, traditional winter songs, impossible Christmas presents, reams of photocopies, lost pets, or cash for display.
Adding to the festivities, free copies of the Salvator Mundi will be available through December (they make great stocking stuffers!) and Counterpath will hire 10 people for $4.50 each to construct a wall-size installation using copies of the painting and entitled “Fees.”
Please write to counterpath@gmail.com to include work in the exhibition, or simply mail work to 7935 East 14th Avenue, Denver, CO, 80220 (arrival by Dec. 31 please).
The exhibition will be open Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm, and by appointment. Help us build this month-long collective portrait in tribute to the transcendence of art and art’s own transcendence!