Book release and reading, Friday, November 8, 2019, 7pm
Please join us on Friday, November 8, 2019, 7pm, at Counterpath (7935 East 14th Ave. in Denver) for a book release and reading celebrating Hillary Leftwich’s new book of poetry Ghosts Are Just Strangers Who Know How to Knock. The event is free and open to the public.
Hillary Leftwich is the poetry and prose editor for Heavy Feather Review and runs At the Inkwell Denver, a monthly reading series. Currently, she freelances as a writer, editor, and writing workshop instructor. Her writing can be found or is forthcoming in print and online in The Rumpus, Entropy, The Missouri Review, Hobart, Smokelong Quarterly, and others. She will be a featured visiting writer at Western Illinois University in 2020. She lives in Colorado with her partner, her son, and their cat, Larry. Find more of her writing at
Ella Longpre is an author, musician, and performance artist who works in low-fi mixed media and with organic material like snow. Her first book How to Keep You Alive was published by CCM in 2017, and she has work currently in pulpmouth and forthcoming from jubilat. She is an editor and collaborator, as well, and is currently earning her Ph.D. at the University of Denver. She can be found in the woods.
Erika T. Wurth’s publications include two novels, Crazy Horse’s Girlfriend and You Who Enter Here, two collections of poetry and a collection of short stories, Buckskin Cocaine. A writer of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, she teaches creative writing at Western Illinois University and has been a guest writer at the Institute of American Indian Arts. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals including Boulevard, The Writer’s Chronicle, Waxwing and The Kenyon Review. She is a Kenyon Review Writers Workshop Scholar, attended the Tin House Summer Workshop, and has been chosen as a narrative artist for the Meow Wolf Denver installation. She is represented by Julia Eagleton at the Gernert Agency. She is Apache/Chickasaw/Cherokee and was raised outside of Denver.
Steven Dunn aka Pot Hole (cuz he’s deep in these streets) is the author of the novels Potted Meat and water & power. He was born and raised in Best Virginia.
Richard Froude has written 4 books, most recently Your Love Alone Is Not Enough, published by Subito Press in November 2018. Other recent work can be found in the Florida Review, the Denver Quarterly, and PageBoy. He teaches workshops in nonfiction and experimental forms at the Lighthouse Writers Workshop in Denver, and in the MFA program at the Naropa SWP. He works as a physician in Denver and Aurora.
Eric Baus is the author of five books of poetry: The Tranquilized Tongue, (City Lights 2014), Scared Text, (Center for Literary Publishing, 2011), Tuned Droves (Octopus Books, 2009), and The To Sound, (Wave Books, 2004). How I Became a Hum is forthcoming from Octopus in 2019. He teaches literature and creative writing at Regis University’s Mile High MFA program in Denver.