Community Engagement Meeting, Thursday, February 8, 2018, 6:30pm
The East Colfax Neighborhood Association will hold a Special Community Engagement Meeting on the Redevelopment of 7900 & 8315 East ColfaxAvenue as Affordable Housing on Thursday, February 8, 2018 at 6:30PM at Counterpath Press located at 7935 E. 14th Ave. at Tamarac.
Please join us to give your input on what the redevelopment might look like and encompass before the City of Denver puts out Requests for Proposals (RFP’s) from developers.
With the support of the East Colfax NeighborhoodAssociation the City of Denver Purchased both 7900 East Colfax Ave. and 8315 East Colfax Ave. in 2017 for community-serving and affordable housing redevelopment.
PT’s II All Nude Strip Club formerly Saturday’s at 8315 East Colfax at Valentia long regarded as a neighborhood nuisance, was shut down in 2016 and purchased by the City in 2017 for $1.3 million. The property is currently zoned for three stories and is 23,875 ft.²
In April of 2017 the city spent $650,000 to buy the vacant lot 7900 East Colfax At Trenton; the past site of the Mrs. C’s and Charlie’s bars. The property is zoned for three stories and is 30,500 ft.².
Once the city selects a developer(s) the building at 8315 East Colfax building could be torn down to make way for an affordable-housing project, new retail or nonprofit offices.
Both properties could potentially support five-story 60+ unit mixed affordable and market rate housing with ground floor retail and/or community serving space along East Colfaxjumpstarting future development along the corridor.
The property is one of two eyesores that the city’s real estate office and the Office of Economic Development have negotiated to purchase to help kick-start revitalization in the area. The city used Community Development Block Grant money for the purchases.
City officials hope to capitalize on increasing interest in the area because of plans for a bus rapid transit line (BRT) down East Colfax.
With support of the neighborhood the City can start a rezoning process that would increase the maximum building height from three to five stories for both properties.
Please attend this special community meeting to give your input on all aspects of the redevelopment of both properties within the East Colfaxneighborhood.
At the below link you can view images of the properties, current zoning maps and potential construction types similar to the Phoenix on the Fax Development at 7171 East Colfax at Pontiac.
We look forward to hearing input from our neighborhood and community.