Free Bookstore
Counterpath keeps open a free, donation-based bookstore, located at its space at 7935 East 14th Avenue in Denver. Hours are by appointment, during the Friday food bank, 5pm-6pm, and Saturdays 4pm-6pm (thanks to volunteer Matt Hiebert and family) and any time the building is open to the public.
The bookstore is completely stocked with donations from the local Denver community and others and we express our thanks to the many individuals who ensure that our shelves stay stocked. We have books in countless categories, from parenting to poetry to sci-fi and comix.
All books are free of charge and you may take as many as you like.
Donations may be dropped off during open hours listed above or, in good weather, left outside. You may also mail donations to 7935 East 14th Ave, Denver, CO 80220.