Fundraising Event for Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria, Friday, February 17, 2023, 7pm

Join us at Counterpath (7935 East 14th Ave. in Denver) this Friday, February 17 at 7pm for an evening of video poetry and short film screenings.
7 pm
Doors open and food, drink, and artwork sales begin.
All proceeds from these sales will go toward disaster relief in Turkey and Syria, where a series of earthquakes since February 6 have caused the collapse of hundreds of buildings in dozens of cities, resulting in a death toll that has exceeded 35,000. Experts expect the death toll to at least double.
7:30 pm
Video poetry by Carolina Ebeid who will be present at the event.
(10 minutes)
The Body is a House of Familiar Rooms is a magical-realist documentary in collaboration between Eloise Sherrid, Samuel Geiger, and his partner, the painter Lauryn Welch.The film is a window into Sam’s experience living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a painful connective tissue disorder that complicates mobility in both physical and social spheres. It’s also a portrait of his life with Lauryn. As Sam’s physical world becomes more confined, the spaces in which he resides and nurtures compound with imagery and detail, becoming endlessly rich worlds within rooms. The film expresses this through the visual mixing of paintings and live action video footage, revealing the emotional dimension of each space.
(10 minutes)
Letter Eight is written and directed by Summer Vaughan and features Carson Higgins (BABYLON). Set in a very one-sided therapy session, Letter Eight channels the inner neurosis of an endearing, washed-up late-30s aspiring professional clown, Alan, as he explores the misadventures that led him astray… and right back to his mom’s house.
(15 min)
After the screenings, we will continue selling and buying food, drinks, and artwork to support as many strangers as we can until 9.30 pm.
The event is not free but it’s not ticketed either. We invite everyone to donate to one of the three NGO’s listed below and show us their payment confirmation screen when they arrive. No need to disclose how much you donate. Please give back as much as you can. Even $5 goes a long way in Turkey and Syria.