Into the Neighborhood: A One-Day Conference on Outreach and the Registered Neighborhood Association, Saturday, April 6, 2019, 10a.m.-3p.m. Keynotes by Irene Aguilar and Anthony Pigford.
The East Colfax Neighborhood Association and the Overland Park Neighborhood Association are hosting a one-day conference on how registered neighborhood organizations (RNO’s) support the needs of those who may be marginalized and oppressed within our communities. The event is free and open to the public.
RNO’s have traditionally been the province of residential and business ownership; however, there is an urgent need for RNO’s and other community groups in the Denver metro area to be representative voices for diverse residents and populations. In the context of Denver’s decreasing housing affordability and increasing socioeconomic segregation, vulnerability to displacement and exclusion from structures of power are rapidly on the rise (whether due to linguistic access, immigration status, socioeconomic factors, or systemic oppression). Neighborhood associations function as a first step to civic engagement and are, perhaps like no other component of city government, positioned to combat hyper-development and the unjust forces of displacement a city can so easily become inured to.
Please join us for our “Into the Neighborhood” one-day conference, including keynote speeches by Irene Aguilar, Neighborhood Equity and Stabilization Director in Denver’s Office of Economic Development, and educator and city council candidate Tony Pigford. Participants include Lisa Calderón, Jessica Dominguez, Lisa Duran, Yoal Ghebremeskel, George Mayl, Nola Miguel, LaMone Noles, Mara Owen, and others. We will also feature a range of community-building activities (please watch this page for updates).
The event takes place Saturday, April 6, 2019, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m, at Counterpath, 7935 East 14th Avenue in Denver. Free and open to the public, with a catered free lunch.