Reading, At the Inkwell: Ashley Howell Bunn, Leonora Simonovis, lauren samblanet, and Jason Masino, Saturday, November 5, 2022, 6 pm (plus workshop 3:30-5:30!)

Join us on Saturday, November 5, 2022, at 6 pm at Counterpath (7935 East 14th Ave. in Denver) for our first At the Inkwell reading, featuring Ashely Howell Bunn, Leonora Simonovis, lauren semblanet, and Jason Masino. Hosted by Hillary Leftwich. Free and open to the public. Light refreshments!

Ashley Howell Bunn completed her MFA in poetry through Regis University and holds a MA in Literature from Northwestern University. She is on the editorial staff for the literary journal, Inverted Syntax, and writes a monthly Yoga, Tarot, and Astrology column for Writual Planner. Her work has previously appeared in The Colorado Sun, South Broadway Ghost Society, Global Poemic, Twenty Bellows, patchwork litmag, Mulberry Literary and others. She is a certified and experienced yoga guide trained in a variety of styles including Yoga Nidra and restorative yoga. Her first chapbook, in coming light, was published in 2022 by Middle Creek Publishing. She lives in Denver, CO with her child where she practices yoga and runs in the sunshine.

Leonora Simonovis is the author of Study of the Raft, winner of the 2021 Colorado Prize for Poetry and Honorable mention recipient for the International Latino Book Awards.. Her work has appeared in Gargoyle, Kweli Journal, Diode Poetry Journal, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and The Rumpus, among others. Her poems have also been featured in Verse Daily, Sims Library of Poetry, and CIACLA (Contemporary Irish Center, Los Angeles). She has been the recipient of fellowships from Women Who Submit (WWS), VONA, and the Poetry Foundation. A Venezuelan American poet, Leonora grew up in Caracas, Venezuela and currently lives in San Diego, CA, where she teaches Latin American literature and creative writing in Spanish at the University of San Diego.

lauren samblanet is a hybrid writer who cross-pollinates with other forms of making & other makers of forms. some of her writing has been published in a shadow map: an anthology by survivors of sexual assault, fence, dreginald, entropy, bedfellows, the tiny, crab fat magazine, and aglimpseof. she offers creative process workshops and support through reinventing creative process. you can find more of her work here:

Jason Masino is an artist and writer. Originally from California, he received his BA in Dramatic Art from the University of California, Davis, and his MFA in Poetry from Regis University. His work has been published in Cultural Daily, Inverted Syntax, Rigorous, South Florida Poetry Journal, fifth wheel press, and others. His debut hybrid/poetry book—Sinner’s Prayer—will be released in late 2022 (Passengers Press).