Reading: Hillary Leftwich, Brandon Shimoda, Byron F. Aspaas, Selah Saterstrom, and Steven Dunn, Saturday, September 3, 2022, 6 pm

Join us on Saturday, September 3, 2022, at 6 pm at Counterpath (7935 East 14th Ave. in Denver) for a book launch for Hillary Leftwich’s new novel Aura. Reading will be Hillary Leftwich, as well as Selah Saterstrom, Steven Dunn, Brandon Shimoda, and Byron F. Aspaas. The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments.

Hillary Leftwich is the author of three books: Ghosts Are Just Strangers Who Know How to Knock (CCM Press, 2019 and republished by Agape Editions, 2023), Aura, a Memoir (Future Tense Books, 2022), and Saint Dymphna’s Playbook (PANK Books, 2023). She is a small business/female-owned business of Alchemy Author Services & Writing Workshop and Community Coven. She teaches creative writing at Lighthouse Writers, the University of Denver, and Colorado College. She is a professional Tarot reader and teaches Tarot and Tarot-writing workshops focusing on strengthening divination abilities and writing. She hosts/organizes At the Inkwell Denver, a literary reading series, and lives in Denver with her partner, son, and their cat, Larry.

Selah Saterstrom is the author of five books: Rancher, Ideal Suggestions: Essays in Divinatory Poetics, Slab, The Meat and Spirit Plan, and The Pink Institution. She lives in Denver with her wife and daughter and is the director of Creative Writing at the University of Denver.

Brandon Shimoda is the author of several books, most recently The Grave on the Wall (City Lights), which received the PEN Open Book Award. His next book, Hydra Medusa (poetry and prose written in the desert), is forthcoming from Nightboat Books in 2023. His front door faces a mountain.

Byron F. Aspaas is Diné. He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Creative Writing from the Institute of American Indian Arts. His work is scattered throughout the white space of journals and anthologies, like: RedInk, Yellow Medicine Review, 200 New Mexico Poems, Weber: The Contemporary West, As/Us: A Space for Women of the World, Semicolon, The Denver Quarterly, International Writing Program Collections, The Rumpus, and CloudThroat. Aspaas is Red Running into the Water, born for Bitter Water. He resides northeast of the Four Sacred Mountains with his partner, three cats, and six dogs in Colorado Springs. Byron is working on a collection of essays, short stories, and poems.

Steven Dunn is the author of the novels Potted Meat and water & power and a ridiculous amount of facebook posts that, fortunately, teachers invited him into their classrooms to read those facebook posts. It’s fun as hell because facebook is my playtime, so it feels good to play in classrooms. His works-in-progress are centered around various types of play, that’s why he’s talking about playing so much in this bio.