Screening: The Pyramid Shall Rise, March 3, 2017

Join us Friday, March 3, 2017, at 8 p.m. for “The Pyramid Shall Rise,” an experiment in collaborative film programming conceived by artists in Boulder (CO), Durham (NC), and Iowa City (IA). The films exhibited in this program offer a sampling of recent work from each of these regions and promote emergent visions for the future of nonfiction cinema. Alone we are strong. Together we are almighty. The pyramid shall rise.

The program includes:


The artist’s continuous attempt to rationalize feelings of aimless confusion with specific regard to artmaking. Life at a quarter century. Shot and edited completely in-camera.

Vague Images at the Beginning and End of the Day

A hug/punch eulogy for all things impossible now. Vague Images is a sketch book of images and sounds from the year wrapped around a trip out to Loomis, South Dakota to find the abandoned farm where my grandfather grew up. At the same time the film is a travelogue of my frustrations and understandings of gay sexuality. The two are connected.

26 Pulse Wrought Vol 1: Windows for Recursive Triangulation  

Explores travel to and from, east to west, during a Winter Solstice Pacific Ocean sunset.

The Invisible Ax – He knew that the woods are full of forest demons who graze deer and hares like cattle, that the Chuhaistyr – who rends wood nymphs from limb to limb – romas about, inviting passers-by to join him in dance, and that the sound of the ax lives in the forest. He also knew about the Rusalky who emerge from the rivers on clear days to sing songs, to invent tales and prayers, and about the drowned men who dry their pale bodies on river boulders after sunset.

Open Air – At the only open-air cremation site in the United States, with a torch at an altar on a side of a mountain, surrounded by ninety people, a family lights the fire that consumes their loved one’s body, sending billows of smoke into the blue sky of dawn.

filament studies – An examination of imperfect translation, of the digital/physical gap, and of falling somewhat short of aspirations. An ode to tech-nostalgia and experimental processes of all sorts. A love song to the changing nature of the hand-made. 16mm film was modeled and 3D printed in various colors and at various thicknesses. That 16mm film was then run through an optical printer and photographed for animation.

Human Body Battleground Organ Organism – An appropriated moving image collage investigating the penis and vagina as disembodied vessels. By utilizing a digital voice to enact this estrangement, a narration of declaration generates a questioning of definitions, where sound and image structures dismantle and reveal a deconstruction of audio-visual form and subject’s signification.

Corn Mother – A single cartridge of Super 8 captures my mothers last visit to her garden. Her body is seen slowly dissolving towards illumination, while her image is forever immortalized in light and silver. Poem borrowed from the Wabanaki creation myth of the first woman, The Corn and Tobacco Mother.

 Colored Collage  Work in progress. Experimenting… “And our imaginations processed reality and dream…like maniacal editors turned loose in some frantic film-cutting room.” #RalphEllison

Histories of Simulated Intimacy – “Great obstacles excite great passions; since eros consists not in possession but in wanting, what could stimulate eros more than distance and especially death, itself the ultimate distance?” -John Durham Peters, Speaking into the Air