The Cry at Zero Andrew Joron
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Here Andrew Joron ranges through literature, science, and philosophy as he maps a poetics that confronts postmodern skepticism and begins from the premise that poets are “chained to the impossible,” that the poetic “cry” exceeds specific social crises. Joron proposes a distinct and obvious place for the unsayable, the abyssal, in our poetic practice. With lucidity and compassion, Joron’s prose works, interwoven here with a series of prose poems, are indispensable in our attempts to embrace a creative space that encompasses human experience.
A graduate of UC Berkeley, where he majored in Philosophy of Science, Andrew Joron is the author of five previous collections of poetry—Force Fields (1987), Science Fiction (1992), The Removes (1999), Fathom (2003), and The Sound Mirror (2008)—and The Cry at Zero: Selected Prose (2007). His translations from the German include Literary Essays of Ernst Bloch (1998) and Richard Anders’s The Footsteps of One Who Has Not Stepped Forth (1999). In 2004 he published Neo-Surrealism: or, The Sun at Night: Transformations of Surrealism in American Poetry 1966-1999. He plays Theramin in the improvisational trio Free Rein. His Trance Archive: New and Selected Poems was published by City Lights in 2010.
Laura Moriarty on Andrew Joron’s The Cry at Zero
The Cry at Zero
Andrew Joron
$20.00; 120 pages
ISBN 978-1933996-02-8
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